Lundi 14h - 19h

Mardi - Samedi : 10h - 12h30, 14h - 19h






Barbed Wire Heart
Grand Central Publishing
Date de publication

Barbed Wire Heart

Grand Central Publishing

This powerful debut thriller from "a major new talent" (Kirkus) set in a poor,
rural community where loyalty is everything, "packs an emotional punch" (Lisa
Gardner) as the daughter of a meth kingpin is forced to choose between family,
or freedom.

Never cut the drugs--leave them pure.
Guns are meant to be shot--keep them loaded.
Family is everything--betray them and die.
Harley McKenna is the only child of North County's biggest criminal. Duke
McKenna's run more guns, cooked more meth, and killed more men than anyone
around. Harley's been working for him since she was sixteen, dreading the day
he'd deem her ready to rule the rural drug empire he's built.

Her time's run out. The Springfields, her family's biggest rivals, are moving
in. And they're coming for Duke's only weak spot: his daughter.

Duke's raised her to be deadly -- he never counted on her being disloyal. But
if Harley wants to survive and protect the people she loves, she's got to take
out both Duke's operation and the Springfields. Blowing up meth labs is
dangerous business, and getting caught will be the end of her, but Harley has
one advantage: She is her father's daughter. And McKennas always win.
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